The infrastructure is deployed with Cloudformation to ease user access to the deployment process. Everything can be rewritten in terraform but will require more technical knowledge.
A domain is required, but any base domain will work.
The ACM certificate is required in us-east-1 because of the use of Cloudfront. It needs to be a wildcard for the base domain.
First clone the repository.
mkdir -p heron
cd heron
git clone
cd Cloudformation
You will have to load some required base parameters.
mkdir -p parameters
Create a file in the parameters directory called
The contents will look like this
(values below are not real, replace with your value)
cat parameters/base.json
Create a file in the parameters directory called
The contents will look like this
(values below are not real, replace with your value)
cat parameters/03email.json
To change the Region you will deploy to, edit the Makefile.
First we will deploy a bucket to put Lambda function code.
make createbootstrap
All lambda code can be built and pushed into the boostrap bucket
make buildlambdas
The base stack creates:
make createbase
Next we will upload some required static assets for the video player.
make uploadplayerassets
The API Gateway will be deployed with the required Lambdas for the user dashboard.
make createapigateway
Deploys an SQS queue and a lambda listener that will trigger signals the user has configured.
make createsignal
Deploys SQS queues and lambda listeners that will run the signal, currently email and Twitter.
make createsignalers
This will create an email address in SES for sending emails. Please check that email address inbox and confirm SES can use that email to send emails.
Deploys an S3 bucket and Cloudfront distribution for the dashboard.
make createdashboard
Exit current directory
cd ..
Move on to deploying the Dashboard.